a 30-day change experiment
cCHALLENGE is a powerful and fun solution to engage employees, customers, staff, citizens, members, audiences, or students with climate and sustainability goals. For 30 days you will create powerful stories around climate change and sustainability, open up the solutions space, and activate people to create change.
cCHALLENGE was developed by Professor, Karen O'Brien, co-founder of cCHANGE, an Oslo-based social start-up helping organisations generate transformations to sustainability.
cCHALLENGE makes use of the most powerful solution to climate change that exists. People.
- Karen O’Brien, Co-Founder
We draw on decades of research, helping people explore the practical, political, and personal dimensions of change, and unleash their creativity, courage, and motivation to contribute to sustainability solutions.
cCHALLENGE can be used in a range of different ways. It has been used by businesses, municipalities, NGOs, schools, and universities.
Here are examples of how the tool has been used in the past.
Interdisciplinary sustainability project for schools
cCHALLENGE works brilliantly to engage students and teachers in a 30-day period. Ringstabekk school in Bærum engaged 150 students in 2024 to challenge unsustainable consumption and build a culture of embracing each other and sustainability, with the help of the cCHALLENGE tool.
People in Nesodden municipality leading the way
People’s stories of change can be powerful inspirations for others. Nesodden municipality is exploring how their citizens can play a different and more impactful role for an equitable transformation to sustainability. Visit the project page here.
cchallenge as a powerful educational tool
How can we equip students with the learning, experience and supportive structures they need to reach their fullest potential as citizens and active participants in creating a sustainable and equitable future? As part of a Horizon 2020 project, SEAS, schools across Europe are using the cCHALLENGE tool in their education to explore this question.
13 mayors in the Oslo region took climate change into their own hands and explored sustainable change for 30 days. Assumptions were challenged, habits changed, and new connections between the personal, the political and the practical became visible.